In the News
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In the first episode of this series, David Attenborough presents the fascinating phenomenon of buzz pollination. It was great to help with the preparation and development of this segment and to see Attenborough showing how our buzz-pollinated Solanum are buzzed by bumblebees.

Buzz pollination
BBC_Countryfile_2018 from Mario Vallejo Marin on Vimeo.
New flower of Shetland
The first flower. Originally posted in The Conversation.
The Sunday Times: Alaska trip to find elusive flower
IFLS: Hybrid species are on the march

BBC News: New Shetland monkeyflower

Science. Head-banging bumble bees bite flowers to shake loose more pollen. 29 August 2024
BBC: The One Show. Buzz pollination. Shown on 20 February 2017. Watch it in Vimeo
National Geographic: The curious case of the bumblebee, the virus and the tomato
Wired Magazine: Bees are great at pollinating flowers
The Economist: There is Music in the Humming of Bees
The New York Times: Unraveling the Pollinating Secrets of a Bee’s Buzz
Plant Speciation
Conservation. The monkey-flower has two faces.
BBC Radio Scotland. Newsdrive. Broadcasted on 7 May 2015. Mimulus peregrinus: Origin of species is a repeatable phenomenon.
BBC: What the World’s Youngest Species Can Teach Us
Scientific American: Make Room for a New Bloom: New Flower Discovered
Nectar Robbing and Bee Handedness
The Economist: Bad Behaviour. The Strange Case of the Bandit Bumblebees
New Hampshire Public Radio. Outside/In.
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